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GPM History

(in a nutshell)

The one who initiated the multi-stage competition called Mazowsze Grand Prix (pl. GPM - Grand Prix Mazowsza) was Tadeusz Patejko. Earlier on (from 1980 onwards) five-stage foot orienteering competition called Warsaw Grand Prix took place in the capital city’s neighbourhood. Until 1998 only five editions of the event took place. In the face of increasing fund-raising problems, range extension was essential. It was also a logical consequence of a situation of fundraising for sports events at that time.

It can be stated, that Mazowsze Grand Prix is a continuation of Warsaw Grand Prix and the godfather of GPM is Tadeusz Patejko.

1st GPM, Czerwony Bór (former Łomża Voivodeship), 16-17th October 1999


   - two-day, two-stage competition

   - 99 participants

   - maps used:

   - Artyleryjskie Mountains (creators: Włodzimierz Dyzio, Jerzy Parzewski, Lech Trzpil), 1:15000

   -  Czerwony Bór - Patelnia (creators: Lech Trzpil, Borys Kalinin, Andrzej Krochmal, Dariusz Wójcik), 1:15000

   -  main categories winners:


   1) Michał Parzewski, Wawel Kraków

   2) Jerzy Parzewski, Wawel Kraków

   3)  Igor Błachut, MUKS Gliwice


   1) Małgorzata Krochmal, UWKS WAT Warszawa


   -  organizers: WMZBnO, KZ: Józef Kmieciński, SG: Grzegorz Krochmal,                    BT: Lech Trzpil (1st stage), Andrzej Krochmal (2nd stage).

2nd GPM, Okuniew & Warszawa - Wesoła, 23-25th June 2000.


   - three-day, three-stage competition

   - including a handicap start during the 3rd stage

   - 239 participants from 26 clubs, including a few athletes from                           Ireland

   - maps used:

   - 1st stage: Wydma 1:10000,

   - 2nd stage: Łysa Góra 1:15000,

   - 3rd stage: Kozaki 1:15000

   - creator of the maps: Jerzy Parzewski

   - main categories winners:


   1) Ryszard Chachurski, UWKS WAT Warszawa

   2) Paweł Lendzioszek, Gwardia Warszawa

   3) Przemysław Domagała, Grunwald Poznań


   1) Jolanta Kamińska, UWKS WAT Warszawa

   2) Alicja Paszczak, GIBnO Amator Warszawa


   - organizers: WMZBnO, KZ i SG: Józef Kmieciński, BT: Jerzy Parzewski

3rd GPM, Warszawa - Wesoła, 15-17th June 2001.


   - three-day, three-stage competition

   - including a handicap start during the 3rd stage

   - 300 participants

   - maps used:

   - 1st stage: Cyraneczka 1:15000 & Macierówka 1:10000,
      creators: Przemysław Patejko, Lech Pytlak, Michał Parzych, Lech Trzpil

   - 2nd stage: Tramwajowa 1:10000,
      creators:  Przemysław Patejko, Lech    Pytlak, Michał Parzych, Lech Trzpil

   - sprint:  Hipodrom 1:10000, creator of map & BT: Jerzy Parzewski

   - 3rd stage: Jezioro Torfy 1:15000 & Stara Miłosna 1:10000, creators: Lech       Trzpil, Przemysław Patejko, Jerzy Orlański.

   -  main categories winners:


   1) Sławomir Woźniak, Grunwald Poznań

   2) Michał Parzewski, Grunwald Poznań

   3) Remigiusz Nowak, Grunwald Poznań


The competition in K21E category was not held.


   - organizers:  GIBnO Amator, KZ: Marcin Jędrzejewski, SG: Józef Kmieciński, BT: Jan Cegiełka

4th GPM, Mrozy, near Kłuszyn, 31st May - 2nd June 2002


   -the competition program was the same as in the previous year.

     The additional race (sprint) was held in Park Miejski in Mińsk Mazowiecki

   - 410 participants

   - maps used:

   - 1st stage:  Zdroje 1:15000 & Marysin 1:10000

   - 2nd stage: Gołębiówka 1:15000 & Kałuska 1:10000

   - sprint: Mińsk Mazowiecki - Park 1:5000, creator: Andrzej Krochmal

   - 3rd stage: Karczunek 1:15000 & Wycinki 1:10000

   - creator of maps (except for sprint): Jerzy Parzewski

   - main categories winners:


   1) Rafał Krafczyk, Śląsk Wrocław

   2) Michał Parzewski, Grunwald Poznań

   3) Aleksander Bernaciak, Flota Gdynia


The competition in K21E category was not held.


In this edition a race included in the World Ranking Event was held in the category M21E during the second stage. It was the first time when Polish athletes competing in this category gained points in the World Ranking Event in the territory of Poland. It was possible after the organizers fulfilled the conditions established by IOF: reported the competition to World Ranking Event, made payment and provided an international controller. The leaders of the WRE race:

   1) Michał Parzewski, Grunwald Poznań

   2) Rafał Krafczyk, Śląsk Wrocław

   3) Aleksander Bernaciak, Flota Gdynia


   - organizers:  GIBnO Amator, KZ: Marcin Jędrzejewski, SG: Józef Kmieciński,         BT: Jan Cegiełka & Jerzy Parzewski and Andrzej Krochmal (sprint),

      controller IOF: Lech Trzpil


For the first time in MGP history an electronic confirmation system PK - Sport Ident was used. SI system management: Artur Kmieciński.


The sprint held in Mińsk Mazowiecki was the 4th round of Polish Grand Prix in Park Foot Orienteering.

5th GPM, Mrozy, Competition Centre in Jeruzal, 20 - 22nd April 2003


   - usual three-day competition with an additional sprint

   - 330 participants

   - maps used:

   - 1st & 2nd stage: Topór 1:10000, creators:

      Jacek Kozłowski & Tomasz Cis-Bankiewicz

   - sprint: Jeziorek 1:5000, the same creators

   - 3rd stage: Rezerwat Florianów 1:10000, creators: Lech Trzpil & Damian Dutkiewicz

M21E category winners:

1)     Sławomir Woźniak, Grunwald Poznań

2)     Wojciech Dwojak, Śląsk Wrocław

3)     Maciej Grabowski, Flota Gdynia


   - organizers: GIBnO Amator, KZ: Marcin Jędrzejewski,

      SG: Henryk Marcinkiewicz, BT: Jan Cegiełka, Lech Trzpil

6th GPM, Powsin & Warszawa Białołęka, 11 - 13th June 2004


- three-day, three-stage competition

- including a handicap start during the 3rd stage

- 366 participants

- 1st stage: sprint, other stages: long distance running

- maps used:

- 1st stage: Park Leśny Powsin, 1:5000, creator: Lech Trzpil

- other stages: Michałówek 2, 1:15000, Choszczówka 1: 15000,

   Kępa 1:10000, creator: Jerzy Parzewski

M21E category winners:

   1) Rafał Krafczyk, Śląsk Wrocław

   2) Patrik Danzler, SZWAJCARIA

   3) Piotr Paszyński, AZS Łódź


During the 2nd day of the competition a World Ranking Event race was held. The winner was Rafał Krafczyk.


   - organizers: WKS Gwardia Warszawa, KZ & SG: Tadeusz Patejko, ZSG:       Przemysław Patejko, BT: Lech Trzpil (1st stage) & Jerzy Parzewski

(other stages), IOF controller: Lech Trzpil

7th GPM, Warszawa Bielany & Wieliszew, 27-29th May 2005


   - competition program identical to the one from 2004 with the additional Anniversary Competition

   - 360 participants

   - maps used:

   - 1st stage: Fort Bielany, 1: 5000, creator: Andrzej Krochmal

   - 2nd & 3rd stage: Przystanek 2, 1:10000, creator: Jerzy Parzewski

   - the Anniversary Competition: Sterani TP & JP 1:5000, creator: Jerzy Parzewski

   - main categories winners:


   1) Janusz Porzycz, Flota Gdynia

   2) Aleksander Bernaciak, Flota Gdynia

   3) Marcin Richert, Flota Gdynia


   1) Kinga Ziółko, Wawel Kraków


The World Ranking Event race (2nd stage) was won by Sławomir Woźniak (Grunwald Poznań). The Anniversary Competition was held with the use of an age factor. The winners were: Lech Trzpil, OKS Otwock & Monika Stróżek, Orientuś Łódź. The number of competitors in the 7th GPM was exceptionally big in the M21E category. During the last day of the competition there was also the highest temperature measured in Warsaw since 1954 (32.1 celcius degrees).


   - organizers: WKS Gwardia Warszawa, KZ: Tadeusz Patejko, SG: Barbara Patejko, BT: Andrzej Krochmal (1st stage), Jerzy Parzewski (other stages), IOF controller: Lech Trzpil

8th GPM, Pułtusk, 19-21th May 2006




to be continued...


During the three-day struggle the weather was spring-like. In the first two days the temperature was ideal for running, which was beneficial for all competitors. The last day, however, brought about the rain which unfortunately kept pouring down from the sky at the time of the closing ceremony. Luckily, it did not spoil everybody’s good moods, which accompanied the participants over the course of the competition.



(Not always) serious GPM trivia:


During GPM we remember those who passed away and currently navigate somewhere in heavens. Traditionally, memorials such as: Anna Tadejewska Memorial in K18 category, Robert Olszewski memorial (M40) & Andrzej Pasionek Memorial (M60) are held. Sometimes the TVP representatives can be spotted at the GPM competitions. During the 7th GPM in Pułtusk Competition Centre we were visited by Mrs Sylwia Dekiert. The visit resulted in a brief report of the competition. One of the winners was Dariusz Konarczak, who defeated the media favourite Rafał Krafczyk. The 12th GPM in Brok was described in a “Sport Telegram” audition in TVP3.

Over the course of GPM history there is one, particular event that is worth mentioning: the heroic and successful fight of Henryk Marcinkiewicz. It occured during the 1st stage of the 11th GPM. Mr Marcinkiewicz was engaged in a “mortal combat” when trying to separate the fighting dogs: the mighty tosa isu “Zbój” (which was Mr Marcinkiewicz’s property) and the dangerous tiger from Kraków. Those who haven’t seen it are surely going to regret it.

There are all kinds of competitors in GPM. Usually most participants are highly experienced, but those completely unprepared can also be spotted from time to time. It is not uncommon to search for missing athletes who lost their way on the route, as it happened a couple of times before. Fortunately all of this searches were successful. May the organizers and the competitors always be that lucky.

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